Workout 1:
WU with fins: 200 fr, 100 drill, 100 kick, 200 form (600m)
Main Set: all sprints performed at RPE 10
10x25m on 60
10x25m on 55
10x25m on 50
10x25m on 45
10x25m on 40
Straight thru then 200 easy
8x25m on 35
200 easy
8x25m on 30
200 easy
4x25m on 25
200 easy
4x25m on 20
250 easy
Cool Down:
400 fins 25 kick 25 swim
TOTAL = 3300m
Workout 2:
WU with fins: 200 fr, 200 kick swapping each 25 side kick, 200 form, 200 drill, 200 swim choice
Main Set (sprint part form):
200 easy fr RPE 5
4x50’s form max effort on 2:30 min
200 easy fr RPE 5
3x50’s form max effort on 3 min
200 easy fr RPE 5
2x50’s form max effort on 3:30 min
200 easy fr RPE 5
1x50 form max effort, dive or backstroke start
200 easy fr RPE 5
Cool Down:
with fins easy 300-400 choice
TOTAL = 2700m
Workout 3:
Warm Up with fins: 800m choice mix of swim and kick
Rev Up:
300 25 side kick/25 dolphin kick on back
10 x 25 swim, best stroke (build each 25 to RPE 9) on 35 secs
Main Set:
20 x 25m All at RPE 10, best stroke
4 @ 2:30 min
4 @ 2:00 min
4 @ 1:30 min
4 @ 1:00 min
4 @ 30 secs
Cool Down:
400 easy fins choice swim
TOTAL: 2250M
Workout 1:
WU with fins: 400 fr, 300 bk, 200 kick, 100 form (1000m)
Main Set:
12 x 25m Fr Hard/Max on 40 secs
200 easy
8 x 25m Fr Hard/Max on 40 secs
200 easy
4 x 25’s Fr Hard/Max on 40secs
200 easy
12 x 25m form Hard/Max on 45secs
200 easy
8 x 25m kick Hard/Max on 50secs
Cool Down:
300 fins 25 kick 25 swim
TOTAL = 3100m
Workout 2:
WU with fins: 200 fr, 100 kick, 200 form repeat (1000m)
Main Set:
600 as 2 x through 75 mod, 25 easy; 50 mod, 50 easy; 25 mod 75 easy
30 secs rest regroup, straight into
6 x 100m RPE 8 on 1:40
30 sec rest
6 x 50m RPE 8 on 55
30 sec rest
6 x 100m RPE 8 1:40
30 sec rest
600 as 2 x through 75 mod, 25 easy; 50 mod, 50 easy; 25 mod 75 easy
Cool Down:
200 easy swim with fins, smooth and long strokes
TOTAL = 3900m
Workout 3:
WU with fins: 300 fr, 200 kick/drill, 200 fo form/50 fr
Main Set:
3 x 200m Free as 150 mod 10 secs rest, then 50 hard on 4 min
200 build - 50 easy 50 mod, 50 mod, 50 hard
3 x 100m form as 75 mod, 5 secs rest, 25 hard choice on 2:15 min
30 secs rest
100 fast timed RPE 10
100 easy recovery
4 x 50m 25 mod/25 hard on 1:10
30 secs rest
1 x 50 max effort timed
100 easy choice
200 fins timed kick
3 x 100m as breakout choice, rest easy on 2 min
Cool Down:
400 easy swim with fins, smooth and long strokes
TOTAL = 3250m
Workout 1:
WU with fins: 200 fr, 100 drill, 100 kick, 100 form, 200 25 kick/25 swim
Fins off - 6 x 50m pull, with pull buoy and ankle strap Free on 60 secs
Main Set:
20 x 100m Frs
5 @ 1:50
5 @ 1:45
5 @ 1:40
5 @ 1:35
5 x 100 Form
2 @ 2:00
2 @ 1:55
1 @ 1:50
Cool Down:
300 easy hypoxic free, breathing 3/5/7/5/3 repeat
TOTAL = 3800m
Workout 2:
WU with fins: 200 of each stroke as 25 swim, 25 drill, 25 kick, 25 swim in medley order
Main Set:
200m form kick, with 30 sec rest
3 x 200m pull, with pull buoy and paddles, with 20 secs rest interval
4 x 400m on, with descending rest interval starting at 20 secs, then 15 secs, then 10 secs. Swim at an RPE of 7
200 moderate pace form
4 x 100 IM or form with fins on 2 min
Cool Down:
400 as 25 form/ 25 free easy swim
TOTAL = 4200m
Workout 3:
WU with fins: Twice through 100 swim, 100 kick, 100 drill, first time Free, second time form
Main Set:
400 RPE 7 25 kick/25 swim form
400 RPE 7 pull, with pull buoy and paddles and ankle strap, free
4 x 150 free on 2:50 RPE 6
4 x 100 free on 1:40 RPE 7
4 x 75 form on 1:30 RPE 8
4 x 50 form on 65 RPE 8
4 x 25 kick on 40/45 secs RPE 9
Cool Down:
400 easy swim 50, kick 50
TOTAL = 3400m