Training sessions, drills and favourite sets from our Podcast guests
Mike Hodgson
Masters World Champion Swimmer
Brett Hawke
Dual Olympian, Olympic Gold Medal Winning Coach and Masters swimmer
David Schlicht
ASU Swimmer and Australian Representative
Michael Klim
Dual Olympic Gold Medallist and 21 time World Record Holder
Ryan Pini
Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist and Masters World Record Holder
Ken Brisbin
Award winning Masters Swim Coach for the Long Beach Grunions
Sabrina Houston
Open water swimmer Triathlete and Masters Swim Coach
Sam Sheppard
Open Water Champion and 7 x P2P winner
Trina Schaetz
USMS National Sprint Champion
Chris Fydler
Olympic Gold Medallist and Masters WR Holder
Andy Donaldson
Open Water Champion and Winner of Solo Rottnest Island Crossing
Ryosuke Imai
Masters Swimming WR and World Aquatics Ambassador for Fukuoka 2023
Steve West
Masters Swimming World Record Holder and breaststroke enthusiast
Nadine Day
World Aquatics Chairperson for Masters Swimming, USMS swimmer and coach
James Hickman
3 x Olympian and 5 x World SC title holder, Speedo Marketing Manager and Masters Swimming WR holder

We are updating our back catalougue of training sessions, drills and main sets from all our Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast guests. Check back soon