Book Openings: Thoracic Spine mobility into rotation combined with chest opening in the pectoral girdle. 5-10 on each side.
Description: Swimmers get very tight through the thoracic back area. This “book opening” exercise addresses that tightness, by activating and mobilising your upper back. A great exercise prior to swimming or to include in your stretching program. Don’t forget to anchor your lower body to the floor to feel that stretch right through your back, while lying on your side.
Variations: Can add in a theraband, which is to be held in the hand of the bent elbow and anchored with the hand/arm lying on the floor.
Hip roll down: with overhead lat stretch
Description: Spinal mobility throughout the entire length of the spine. Combining the stretching of the lats overhead facilitates the mobility from the scapulae and lats right down to the lumbar fascia in the low back.
Thread the needle: Thoracic Spine rotation with activation of scapulae muscles.
Description: On hands and knees, with a neutral back, reach the right arm through the hole created by your left arm and leg and then slowly rotate that arm back to neutral and through to the sky. Try 5 on each side and a slow and steady controlled manner.
Prone (face down):
Description: sliders- shoulder elevation/depression -> progress to depression with thoracic extension-thoracic extension with butterfly wings.
Thoracic Spine Extension: with activation of scapulae muscles - prone double leg kick x 10
Description: Increases activation of thoracic spine extensor muscles, thoracic spine extension range and dynamic activation around the hip joints.
NOTE: Images and videos to follow. Please check our social media pages for demonstrations of these exercises.