Bridge Hold : with 5 x pec openings; 5 x lat stretch; 5x single arm pec openings- Repeat twice
Description: Hold the bridge isometrically to increase metabolic activation of the gluteals. This warms them up. Stabilise the pelvis against the arm movements, especially the single arm pec openings. These arm movements provide a nice activation of the shoulder girdle combined with gluteal work. The gluteals work with scapulae in muscular slings.
Bridge: 10 x heel lifts – Repeat Twice
Description: Continuing to activate the gluteal region in combination with activating calf- “soleus” muscle =>power house muscle in the lower leg for push off through the feet.
Bridge: transfer to a single leg bridge + leg extension/flexion (leg lower/lift) x 3, then change to other leg flexion/extension. Repeat Twice.
Description: This increases the challenge of the gluteal muscles as you progress to a single leg bridge. This also requires core strength to control and prevent rotation of the pelvis. Single leg - lower and lifting of the leg -> activates the hip flexors and mobilises the hip joint. Also increases the pelvic stability challenge against the dynamic leg movement.
Side lying; Hip flexion/extension x 10 (side kick)
Description: Works the gluteal activation in the side plane of the body in particular gluteus medius and minimus and challenges the core and pelvic stability in the oblique abdominal muscles. Dynamic mobilisation of the hip joint in the forward and backward kicking motion while activating hip flexors and gluteus maximus.
Hip abduction: Hip side lift with the hip joint in extension and thigh behind the midline of the body.
Description: This exercise builds on the aforementioned exercises and continues to work on Gluteus medius /minimus.
Standing slider: Hip lunge x 10, scooter x 10, Combo- hip lunge & scooter x 10
Description: This set of standing exercises, while using a slider * strengthens in a challenging standing position and works against gravity to continue building strength in the gluteal and hamstring muscles. It is a wonderful balance exercise and useful for the transference of fluid balance to standing and balancing on the starting block.
slider: A slider is a small disk the positions under your foot or hand, to challenge and increase performance. A sock could be used on floorboards and a plastic bag on carpet, for the same effect.
NOTE: Images and videos to follow. Please check our social media pages for demonstrations of these exercises.